Friday, 29 June 2012

MNF 2nd

Hi ,
What a week it's been, Earthlings. First up, Silver got injured on Monday night so that put an end to the Darks topping the MNF group and line up a big game against the Whites. A win, and the boys in Dark would no doubt face Zie Letzers - and what a juicy semi that would be.
OK, now you have the image of a "juicy semi" floating round your heads and I've totally lost my train of thought. Suffice to say, it's Friday and it's time to have a spectacularly debauched weekend of drinking, partying and general merry-making in Ibiza. Have a good 'un!
Who Fancy's a bit of Soccerette…

A Couple Of Weeks Ago

Monday, 18 June 2012

MNF 18th Teams

Hi ,
What are you up to this week, oh treasured and trusted MNFer? Are you off to the Chengdu Music festival? Are you heading out on a boozy date with the boys from Ash? Are you attempting to get into the Guinness Book of Records by playing more MNF's than anyone else? Perhaps you're doing all three. I certainly will be.
Before you embark on your busy, boozy, bowler-hatted week, take a few minutes to glance over this week's team sheet, which - as ever - is packed to the pixels with as much infunmation (that's fun + information) as your mind can handle. And if you've not in that means you were to late. It makes perfect reading material for the 10,500mile journey up to the China.
Enjoy the game and forget Subs...

  1. Max
  2. Rat
  3. Baum
  4. Silver
  5. Gink
  6. Chilli 
  7. Bradley
  8. Wazza
  9. Grotts
  1. Cooper
  2. DJ
  3. Josh b
  4. Turk
  5. Danom
  6. Singer
  7. Didge
  8. Dan reese
  9. Spencer 

Friday, 15 June 2012

MNF 18th


All across the North London, millions of people are gnashing and wailing in their respective national costumes, their souls shredded and their hearts hurting because all the places in MNF are getting filled. In a nutshell, MNF is the only thing to worry about.
But let’s forget all that and rejoice instead, because you are some of the lucky few, that get on the list, Yes, the summer is saved as the tournament we’ve been lusting after since MNF last week is here!
Soccerette Anyone?

A Couple Of Weeks Ago

Monday, 11 June 2012

MNF 11th Teams

Hi ,
Was it really just a fortnight ago that MNF had to be cancelled coz of an air-punching celebration of the gorgeous, balmy sunshine we were all experiencing? Now, if the news reports are anything to go by, the so-called "June monsoon" is upon us and set to continue unabated for some time to come. Winds of 600mph! Three year's worth of rain in 24 hours! Trees coming down onto houses, which in turn crash down onto cars, which then flip up into the air and knock helicopters out of the sky!
But it's not all doom and gloom, MNFers. Tonights games is well and truly on, fronted by the one, the only, the oh-jesus-christ-he's-a-moaner Damon Letzer. That's right, after a 1 week absence, Letz is back, and looking fitter than ever. Also, there's a bunch of other MNFers in there who are sure to make you laugh, gasp and generally be a very happy chappy.
My advice? don’t be late, after watching England beat the Frogs 3-1
Enjoy the game
  1. Gink
  2. Max
  3. Singer
  4. Jason d
  5. Cooper
  6. Freed
  7. Gavin
  8. Rakter
  1. Grotts
  2. Damon
  3. Baum
  4. Chilli 
  5. Dave jones
  6. Spence
  7. Silver
  8. Turk 

Friday, 8 June 2012

MNF 11th

Hi ,
The jubilee weekend: four blissful days with nothing to do and shedloads of time to do it in. How did you fritter away your extended-by-royal-appointment bank holiday? Chuckling like a bozo in the pub? Knee-deep in tea-lights in Ikea? Fondling your ladyfriend in a waterlogged St. Ives campsite? As of midnight tonight, you've only got 48 hours of pure, wide-open opportunity at your disposal - use them wisely, sir!
It was such a long period off work that you probably all forgot how to play MNF on Monday. If the next weeks teams do not feature you or are bit  upside-down and written entirely in Spanish, you know who to blame: HRH Queen Elizabeth II.
Enjoy the weekend – Soccerette Anyone?

A Couple Of Weeks Ago