Friday, 27 July 2012

MNF 30th


As I sit waiting for my flight to Shanghai It's only three days till the Olympics beach volleyball kicks off. But the big question remains unanswered: which team has the best bums? Now, for the bad news: it's just been announced that if the mercury falls to below 16 degrees during the games, players will be allowed to don shorts and sleeved tops.

If that isn't a reason to pray for the sunshine to continue, I don't know what is?!

Who do you think's the hottest? Anyone I've missed? Let me know, and I'll try to oblige with a pic. Oh and nearly forgot who does fancy the Soccerettes?

A Couple Of Weeks Ago

Monday, 23 July 2012


Hi ,
Praise be to hosanna, MNF is finally here - let's all punch the air in slow-motion, like American-football players in a cheesy TV ad. Even better, this god-awful, grey-arsed weather has naffed right off and given us a bit of actual sun for a change. And as a bonus, British mod-dude Bradley Wiggins has won the Tour De France. Truly, this is the greatest start to the week since that one in March 2008. You know the one we're talking about. 
Shall we all punch the air in slow-motion again, this time like victorious kung-fu fighters at the climax of a big movie fight-scene? Woooooooooo. Yeeeeeeaaaaaahhhhh.
Enjoy the game..

  1. Jason d
  2. Singer
  3. gink
  4. Dan Reese
  5. Max
  6. Wazza
  7. DJ
  8. Grotts
  1. Didge x2 
  2. Chilli
  3. Silver
  4. Baum
  5. Cooper
  6. Ian
  7. Ratz
  8. Letzer x 1

Friday, 20 July 2012

MNF 23rd


It's summer! What, you mean you couldn't tell by the fact that we've officially had more rain in the past week than God pissed down on Noah and his biblical boat? But don't let the weather drown your spirits - there's one place you can turn to and have the hottest summer EVER. No, not Ibiza, though that would be nice. I'm talking about MNF, of course!

 If looking at pictures of MNF's fittest export Shimon 'Needs Some Sympathy' & 'Dangle The Carrot' Defraud enjoying a muffin isn't enough to warm your cockles, then you sir, have unwarmable cockles.

Let me know if you fancy the Soccerette's and have yourself a bloody marvellous weekend.


A Couple Of Weeks Ago

Friday, 13 July 2012

MNF 16th


Today in the UK, a month's worth of rain will fall in just 24 hours, This is what weathermen officially call "totally pissing it down". So Brighten up your Friday and get on the guest list to McQueen tonight, its gonna be full of hotties & Didge is making an appearance …I also just thought, that I'd try to cheer you up even more with this pic from last night, they are purveyors of fine clubwear and specialists in “asking for requests” apparently they want to meet some of my friends for mischief…. 

Soccerette Anyone??

A Couple Of Weeks Ago

Friday, 6 July 2012

MNF 9th

Hi ,
Nothing says "I am ready to face the world and willing to kick it in the balls if needs be" like a top-to-toe weekend in Beefa. A brand-newish haircut, flip flops, no shirt and clubs is just the ticket for putting a swing back in your step and a song back in your heart. Feel the tingle of excitement as you stride into Ushuaia, everyone gasping at your box-fresh tunes and exclaiming, 
"Who is this handsome, effortlessly confident stranger?"
Well, that's exactly what I did - given our MNF a cool new haircut and dressed it up in the very latest fashions. And the Ushuaia that the website is striding into is actually Borehamwood. And the momentarily-baffled-but-eventually-impressed locals are you, the MNFers. Still with me? Nod if you're still with me. Come and have a gander & why don't you let me know if you fancy the Soccerette? .
And have an exceptionally awesome weekend, while you're at it.

A Couple Of Weeks Ago