Friday, 25 July 2014

MNF 28th

The Holiday season has officially begun, meaning we are gonna struggle for numbers for our Monday Night sporting goodness…

With the Gink in Ibiza, Damon in US and Josh landing this week in the Algarve, MNFers everywhere are gasping over their keyboards & contacts list which needs to be penetrated deep to get our beloved game happing next week – Not even the potty–mouthed publishing phenomenon that's warped your girlfriend's sex drive is gonna be a good enough excuse…

Soccerette Anyone??

Friday, 18 July 2014

MNF 21st

Because the world is in an Instagram frenzy and a friend of the Ginks has gone sexy selfie mad…(Goldcard)

And If your idea of a good night is greasing up the missus like a cross channel swimmer, then tantric masseuse Dave Lee might be around to lend a hand...

Former MNF star Chilli takes fitness to a whole new level with these fun runs in this ridiculously hot weather…

You missed Hed Kandi's 15 birthday bash last week but not to worry, I got her number…..

Soccerette Anyone?

Friday, 11 July 2014

MNF 6th


I don't know much in this crazy world but one thing i’m certain of is that Richard Ashley is in LOOVVVEEE. Especially when it comes to watching the World Cup with a slight audio delay 

From barbecuing better chicken to nailing this summer's surfer trend, this MNF email is bursting with enough summery goodness to bring even the most miserable goth out of hiding (Simon Defraud)

Remember Monday when everyone forgot that a 8-a–side football match was happening and lost their shit over these unbelievable World Cup Groupies?… they’re coming to Hed Kandi tomorrow night if you fancy?

Soccerette Anyone??

Friday, 4 July 2014

MNF 7th

He's represented MNF in Miss Universe and eaten creepy crawlies in Miami. Now the 45-year-old Cockfosterlian pops his cherry with his first girl friend to move in…

It's not just the Gink I'm absolutely bloody proud of this month. There's over 3 hours of drop dead amazingness tunes that I span last night…

Djing isn't just about amazingly sexy hotties that come and watch, but it definitely should be…

Soccerette Anyone??