Friday, 15 August 2014

MNF 18th

If you don't want to know what MNF is all about, you might want to look away now

Damon Letzer has brought joy and laughter to us all with some of the greatest comedy comments ever made during a game of football.  We need sixteen MNFers next week  to enjoy other Monday without the funny man

Awkward cheek kisses and failed fist-bumps are no laughing matter - unless this hottie from yesterday Bowls over to you, that is

Soccerette Anyone?

Friday, 8 August 2014

MNF 11th

Sound the sexy klaxon! Damon’s still away!. What better way to celebrate than another MNF, favourite Richard Freed donating the McLaren to the first to reply

Summer is a wonderful time of year. It's bikini season, the BBQs are out, everyone's in a better mood and, of course, girls everywhere are bopping about in a variety of denim wonders. Here's a demonstration

Soccerette Anyone??

Friday, 1 August 2014

MNF 4th

He's a former Mr Universe Great Britain, so naturally anything Dave Lee does is going to be immensely boring. Especially with dinner on a boat business he's got us doing on Sunday

My namesake Orlando Bloom became an overnight, international hero on Wednesday (I missed it unfortunately and not that Cipriani is any good in Ibiza) after taking a swing at Justin Bieber. Apparently, the little tyke made a rude comment about my ex sister-in-law, the outrageously stunning Miranda Kerr…

So before you seal the deal with your summer romance, prepare yourself for a little OCDness with the Ginks strangest Cockfosters habits…

Soccerette Anyone??