Friday, 31 October 2014

MNF 3rd

Can't be bothered to pop round to the Ginks to watch a film? No worries, you can go to our incredible youtube channel (Featuring all of you MNFers) on your iPad and tablet devices instead

By the way He's the Red Top who is about to get married and has a shockingly naff neon light in his living room

Short of scaling walls and picking up restraining orders 9no names mentioned here!), this email is the greatest way to sneak a peak at some stunning DJ groupies

Soccerette Anyone??

Friday, 24 October 2014

MNF 27th

Looking for a girl that you can buy a dog with, laze in bed with on a Sunday and spend the rest of your days living like you're in a rom-com? Or maybe just some weekend fun? Then check out these hotties from my last Beefa trip

Stop worrying about sweaty palms and follow Richard Ashley's fool-proof tips to becoming a dating pro...

And meet Damon Letzer, the super moany southgate king trying to take over MNF whilst simultaneously becoming my favourite Facebooker…

Soccerette Anyone??

Thursday, 16 October 2014

MNF 20th

From jazzy cheese on toast to hot girls in Pjs, there are loads of reasons to be excited about the nights getting longer MNF is one and posing some burning questions to Professor Chilli Churchill, the man who single-handedly made running marathons cool…

Im now on my way to the Dam for another round of ADE so who fancies the Soccerette?

Friday, 10 October 2014

MNF 13th

Can't be bothered to pop over to Ibiza for the last time this year? No bother, I will, and i’ll send you some incredible snaps (featuring some hotties) for your iPad and tablet devices

If you’ve just got engaged stop worrying about getting sweaty palms and follow Damon Letzer's fool-proof tips to becoming a wedding pro

& don't mess with Spencer Simons is just one of the lessons we took away from Monday Nights game

Soccerette Anyone??

Friday, 3 October 2014

MNF 6th

Let our resident Runner Chilli teach you how to craft the perfect pimped-out super slider Marathon… Well done Son!

Richard Ashley is a pioneer of the Gingbag celebrity selfie, but none of his efforts will ever compare to my sexy sultry Hairy one a few years back…(see Facebook)

According to a load of recent studies, we're not having as much sex as we used to, and when we are... it's not that great. Here's how to fix up your sex life…MNF

Who fancy’s the Soccerette?