Friday, 24 April 2015

MNF 27th

Anybody who's ever engaged in a phone conversation with Damon Letzer (about MNF) will know that it's one of the most difficult things that a human being could ever do…

The Gingbag of MNF tells us how he managed to go from wannabe customer to the Perfect Husband everyone wants with his new found confidence…

It'd be bloody difficult to find a man (or woman) on this planet who doesn't love having 2 keepers, and that's why Bradders might be a unmitigated MNF legend…

Soccerette Anyone??

Friday, 10 April 2015

MNF 13th

Apparently Long distance running turns you into a Sex God so Bin the hair gel, burn down the wardrobe and flush away your aftershave - they're useless now. All you need is a big pair of Clair Rayner's …

MNF Vice Chairman Turkish Azizberg has revealed that his 1989 Arsenal kit is the sole reason for the getting the game going…

So lets give a warm round of applause for one of our longest serving members who celebrates his Burfday Today - Mr Paul Chilli Con Carnie Churchill 

Oh and if anyone is thinking about palming me off with a couple of 1 euro coins or not paying subs before the game they can have a nice cosy night in on Monday...  

Soccerette Anyone?