Friday, 24 July 2015

MNF 27th

Who fancies Djing at a party with 85% Women? Absolutely bloody everybody, that's who. (Except the Gink, who’s only interested in the other 15%) Well now that reality is a couple of steps closer thanks to the Dior Party on Wednesday...

We've had a few teasers and the odd image from our MNF footage, but now we've got a whole bloomin’ youtube channel. And it's excellent. Remind yourself here…


Friday, 17 July 2015

MNF 20th

He's the champion pro MNFer who tames monster defences. Give a high five to last week's star Paul Chilli. Churchill..

I’m gonna put Defraud's position knowledge to the test with my harder-than-it-looks Retro How to Play MNF Quiz. But will he pass?


Just fill out this short question and you could be rolling in MNF goodies!

Soccerette Anyone??

Friday, 10 July 2015

MNF 13th

After the three-day long saga that was Simon Defrauds war with Spotify, I took a look at some other tunes that angered the property magnet giant..

He's the champion pro partier who tames Brandon Block. Give a high five to this weeks returning MNF star Mr Letzer…

Heatwave? PAH! See how it stacks up against totally scientific scoville scale in Ibiza - 

It's hot out there - but not as hot as these 5…

Soccerette Anyone?

Thursday, 2 July 2015

MNF 6th

He’s not been allowed out until after the wedding but he came straight back into the fold and we celebrated the arrival of the gingerest player in the squad. Pull up a deckchair if your out on Monday, learn how to write a love letter, undo one of those bra things and most importantly, impress her your Missus friends.

The only thing stopping you from playing on Monday Night is your inactive hands and arms. So let's get moving!

Soccerette Anyone??