Friday, 21 August 2015

MNF 24th

Do you reckon you could take on North West London’s Nando's ultimate (but delicious) #MNF Man Food challenge?

if Batman was Jewish and liked football, this would the game he’d play in. & You're being asked to play in this beautifully organised  piece of sport…

I'm not sure what you're expecting when I ask you to come down to these hot clubs, but it definitely is something like this…

Friday, 14 August 2015

MNF 17th

We all love a bit of nostalgia in our ears. And 51st State showed that, will the tunes ever be that good again?

Shimon Defriend is speaking out about being played out of position, and er, relations with the rest of the MNFers…

If you could shove every wannabe Jewish footballer and stealth property guy into Borehamwood, what would you get? It would probably look like this…

Soccerette Anyone??

Friday, 7 August 2015

MNF 10th

Simon Defraud plus Mark Ratzker, riding Tahitian defences. It's the best thing you'll ever see in jewish-based sport...

Everyone's seen the MNF teams from last week. But could they be on a guest list elsewhere? What else could you be missing out on?

Yeah, okay, these pictures are a bit BFF. But do they break Instagram's no-nipple policy? You can be the judge of that…

Soccerette Anyone??