Friday, 25 September 2015

MNF 28th

Hello here’e shirtless Richard Ashley in Thailand But that's not all. Richards's supermodel best mate Dave Lee also got in on the action…

If you guessed that what happens to your body one hour after eating a Bic Mac isn't exactly great, then you'd be right…

Check here for a 360-degree 'interactive' look at you MNFers on the youtube channel 

Damon Letzer’s got a pretty unconventional warm-up routine…and its not hanging out with these hotties from Beefa!!!

Soccerette Anyone??

Friday, 11 September 2015

MNF 14th

Late-night burgers, soya lattes, celebrity BFFs and trips to the Zoo: Richard Ashley is killing it in the City of Angels

Joel Romaner has the absolute back-to-basics guide to growing a beard properly, and the best way to care for it...

Spicy bricks of beef slathered in barbecue sauce whilst in Ibiza next week? Your cookout just got real, hombre…

Soccerette Anyone??

Friday, 4 September 2015

MNF 7th

This weeks MNF stars the the world's biggest rule breakers, risk-takers and, of course, Ron Korczak

This easy-to-make email produces perfect MNF teams, every time

Recap the sexiest Facebook update from the Gink, Yes he’s checked in again at some resort paid for out of Nectar Points - it's only acceptable to start doing these things after half a year together. Sorry, Gingald

Soccerette Anyone???