Friday, 18 March 2016

MNF 21st


How exactly has Damon Letzer made himself a household name in the last 12 months? Is it his heart-warming portrayal of a rambling everyman? Or its just simply funny when a man with a super tight T Shirt shouts at his team mates? Whatever the reason, his latest, self-penned stoner performance on Monday ought to appeal to those who chuckled through him swearing at Ratzger and Cooper. Or indeed, anyone who likes to skin up a Pepperami-sized joint now and then. Oh and what about those 2 goals from me last week, admittedly I impressed myself….

Soccerette Anyone?

Friday, 11 March 2016

MNF 14th

My Hampstead Heath pain is nearly over, it’s cold outside and you’re pretty much still shocked at the language Freed used last week,  So what better way to spend next Monday Night than chatting and flirting with some of the fittest girls in the UK who are waiting to meet you online? Ok fair enough not your thing… how about responding to this email, and if you feel you’d like to dip your toe in, it’ll cost you less than the price of a pint each week. And what’s more, you can do it all from the comfort and warmth of your own home or office. Lovely.

Reply now and see what lovelies where hanging around last night….

Friday, 4 March 2016

MNF 7th

The week’s over, my birthday celebrations have finished, and Upton Park is once again full of caravan-dwelling morons. And it’s shitting it down with rain. Summer might as well give up. It’s time to make a break for it. So grab your keyboard and any particularly sharp pencils lying about your desk and run for the door. Scream “Come On You Spurs” and hurtle down the stairs. 

Can’t be arsed? Read on instead. It’s probably the more sensible of the two options, and definitely the more rewarding. Why? Three reasons: this exclusive invite to MNF, all the bants from Shimon Defraud you could ever want and enough vocal hilarity to make Maggie Thatcher piss her knickers. So click yourself happy.
Soccerette Anyone?