Friday, 22 April 2016

MNF 25th

it’s a case of quantity over quality this week, with mediocre Shimon Defriend average gangster Mitch and lukewarm Mr Action Paul Churchill  plonking themselves unapologetically in the shop window. That said, if the thought of one-odd hour of Damon Letzer-isms , Richard Freed’s hallmark try-hard footballing and Marc Ratzger running about as things other players inexplicably take him gives you more of a football bonk-on than watching the mighty Spurs, this could well be the best week of your life. Also, you’re retarded!

Soccerette Anyone?!

Friday, 15 April 2016

MNF 18th

It’s important to utilise the squad, because once the game finishes are done MNFers of note will go back to bed and turn the lights out. Then what will you do? So, check next weeks game out, which might be starring pudgy bringer of excellence Richard Freed alongside lead-lady of that sodding Abba film, Richard Ashley. Then get with the freekick-bending Shimon Defraud and wonder why it is that Damon Letzer will never do anything as cool as play in MNF.

Soccerette Anyone? 

Friday, 8 April 2016

MNF 11th

Kick back, rest your legs and exercise those fingers with todays email. It’s nothing if not entertaining. But sifting through last nights images could leave you a little numb, and the news these female casualties have been taken off the singledom market this year won’t help. ‘Stimulating’ shouting from Damon Letzer, Richard Freed & Shimon Defriend reignite a tingle. Apply for MNF for best results.

Soccerette Anyone??

Friday, 1 April 2016

MNF 4th

We wouldn’t especially care about Bank Holiday MNF if it weren’t for these two precious words: Darren Cooper. Somehow Mr Chilli managed to get the defense-god to star alongside him out of 44 other contenders – so here we are to celebrate with this next mammoth game In another footballmatic coolness, the Batman v Superman of MNF!

Check out the shot of the two hotties from last night here, along with the answer to the all important question.

Who fancy’s the Soccerette???