Friday, 19 August 2016

MNF 22nd

Did everyone catch Richard Ashley at MNF this week? That's because the poor man was wrapped up at home with a blanket, not battling through a gruelling football game with a sniffly nose and suspect balance. But hey, he’s got fight in him, and you need that when putting yourself up for Facebooker of the Year Award. Just ask Damon Letzer! 

So while there’s no discernible pattern to the teams, it’s clear that I'm being thorough in my use of our excellent voting mechanic. Nobody’s out of the running and nobody’s been cast out as a snakebite-grade punter. There’s all to play for, especially on Monday as next week’s winners are going to be on youtube - meaning you’ll be able to rewind and fast forward her as much as you please. And pause when Ratzger falls over.

Soccerette Anyone?

Friday, 12 August 2016

MNF 16th


As with most August’s, the only thing to look forward to is MNF. Following the Richard Ashley injury debacle, I’m already nearly writing off the rest of the year and the next time he’s allowed out on a social (worth caring about) is still over a 12 months away. Even Shimon Defriend is likely to piss away his chance at playing Monday night now that he’s getting regular love from Marc Ratzger in Marbs.

Thankfully, MNF is committed to the future of your sporting pleasure. Which is why I’ve launched a campaign to get both Singer & Bradley back as regulars – the practically no-holds-barred goalfest enjoyed by 15 MNFers men and Damon Letzer –. Just imagine it – Deniz Aziz & Richard Freed pummelling the organs out of Sing Sing or the other way round?! Head this way to join my thoroughly worthy cause.

Soccerette Anyone?

Friday, 5 August 2016

MNF 8th

Today I provide you with another ridiculously hot female specimen to feast your greedy eyes on. Bulgarian model Sylvia who caught my eye last night. What's your verdict? Check out McQueen Outdoor again tonight & If that doesn't do it for you, delve over to Trent Park tomorrow lunch time for a bit of 51st State. And don't forget the party at Space Ibiza on Sunday, not interested? alright try a bit of MNF on Monday then….  

Soccerette Anyone??