Friday, 27 January 2017

MNF 30th


If you’ve found yourself in the unfortunate situation of having to entertain children, you won’t go far wrong with taking them to see me, Chilli and Spence trying to run 12 miles on Sunday.  There won’t be any robot's (unless you think Mitch is?),  as kids dig robots. If, on the other hand, you fancy giving the little sods some severe mental trauma, sneak them into Trainspotting 2  a home-grown thriller named after the first one and not some bum-based sex act. Which you’re already Googling.

Soccerette Anyone??

Friday, 20 January 2017

MNF 23rd

Well hello there. 

Anyone privy to Trump’s Obama Tweet will be aware that his installation to a position of worldly power is a bad thing. There is no shame in being President of the United States, but there is in Richard Ashley not being asked to DJ at his inauguration and getting some mingers to wee on the White House lawn, funny though it might be. Have fun USA.

Soccerette Anyone??

Friday, 13 January 2017

MNF 16th

Hello you.

I know what you're thinking - something's not right. But there's no need to log an angry call with IT, or smash your keyboard to pieces like a displeased ape. Allow me to explain. I’ve had a few nights out this week so today’s email is late for a very good reason. After six shots of vodka and DJ tinkering, early next week I'll finally be flipping the big red switch on my hangover and bringing to life the brand new and vastly improved MNF, That's if Gingbag’s Missus allows him to come out sat night…

Soccerette Anyone?? 

Friday, 6 January 2017

MNF 9th

Happy New Year! 

Yes, your hangover hurts, but if you're reading this then it means you're physically capable of seeing out of the front of your face. Well done, MNFer. Now for the hard part: New Year's resolutions. Most of them you're on your own with, but if you've got any fitness-based goals for 2017, you need to start with a brisk walk/drive to Borehamwood FC on Monday. It's got everything you need to get fit, strong and healthy - fast. Or by the end of January, anyway.

Soccerette Anyone??