Friday, 26 January 2018

MNF 29th


It’s cold outside, the whole world is skint, Meghan Markle’s about to get married and you still have to contemplate shopping this weekend. So here’s some good news, and as an MNFer I’m telling you first: your favourite Rowleylanemonkey has spent 6 months confirming a new home. I hope you like it.

Soccerette Anyone??

Friday, 19 January 2018

MNF 22nd

One kind MNFer (or sarcastic wag, yet to be rumbled) suggested MNF should enter some Organization awards this year, based on the undoubted email-brightening capabilities of our weekly get-to-gethers . Next Monday is no different, cladding your bodies in the finest football training wear you could find. Reply now or your be taking the kids tramlining… 

Soccerette Anyone??

Friday, 5 January 2018

MNF 6th

Happy New Year!

Yes, your hangover hurts, but if you're reading this then it means you're physically capable of seeing out of the front of your face. Well done, soldier. Now for the hard part: New Year's resolutions. Most of them you're on your own with, but if you've got any fitness-based goals for 2018, you need to start with a brisk walk to the computer to reply to this email about Monday’s MNF 8.30PM Rowley Lane. It will have everything you need to get fit, strong and healthy - fast. Or by the end of January, anyway.

Soccerette Anyone?