Saturday, 21 April 2018

MNF 23rd

This week's MNF featured Shimon Defraud - and 6 other fellas in a specific rainy location not taking drugs, not drinking booze and ending up inside Nandos in the middle of Borehamwood. The revelry ends when one fella performs a lethal tackle, and the game becomes a calamitous gore–fest. All the players but one are fairly likeable, which makes watching them play hugely enjoyable. Skill: check. passion: check. Lateness: check. Want in?.

Soccerette anyone?

Sunday, 15 April 2018

MNF 16th

After what has felt like an eternity, football is finally back. Without my involvement on Monday, I had to make do with arse-scratching and yawning – which is no substitute, frankly. I’ve been so excited about tomorrow that I’ve even compiled the biggest list of candidates: You’ll be emailing this one round the interweb sooner than you can say ‘3-1’. That’s a promise.


Friday, 6 April 2018

MNF 9th

It's summer… Just about. Luckily, you've still got just enough time to get your shorts on, get out there and achieve greatness in the sun (with the help of some sexy girls, a amazing pitch at Borehamwood and the intel to make you a water-fight Rambo).

And if you fancy watching me run around Regents park Sunday morning – meet at London Zoo 9am

Soccerette Anyone??