Friday, 27 July 2018

MNF 30th

Our beloved MNF is obviously more exciting as a pile of wet pants, but out there in the big bad world the weather’s been half-decent. Well, good enough for Hotties to slip on their designer bikinis, at any rate. To celebrate, here’s lasts nights bikini Soccerette, Incidentally, if you disapprove of candid shots of beautiful women taken unawares, then I apologise. Also, welcome to the internet!

Whos In???

Sunday, 22 July 2018

MNF 23rd

As any pie-eyed reveller on the plane back from Ibiza will try and tell you, there's only one certainty about that chaotic rocky island - you can never guess what will happen next. But that is exactly what you'll have to do in tomorrows game, played entirely on location in borehamwood its sundry fun in the sun. The winners will claim the finest prize ever - guest list to my next gig over there, so raise a lazy glass to the ultimate party and enjoy the rest of the weekend…

Soccerette Anyone 

Friday, 13 July 2018

MNF 16th

Afternoon! Apart from spanking your wages on ill-advised (but genial) first goalscorer and correct score flutters, the next best way to add pure first-pumping exhilaration to your football appetite is to get yourself in the MNF team. Ping me back an email when ready. Weekly winners will receive gobsmacking humour and bullet-proof bragging rights. Hate football? You're not alone. You are in the arsehole of minorities, but you're not alone. Still, if there's anything out there that could bring you around to liking the game, how well we did in the World Cup. Never going to turn? You don't find my emails funny? suit yourself. 
Here's some oiled-up groupies beauties from last night,  Gotcha.

Sunday, 8 July 2018

MNF 9th

After what has felt like an eternity, football might be coming home. With no German, Spain or Brazil involvement, there’s no time for arse-scratching and yawning – which is no substitute, frankly. I’ve been so excited about the upcoming MNF that I’ve even watched everyone of the ‘Coming Home Videos on the entire internet: You’ve been whatsap’ing these around the sooner than you can say ’Sterlings Crap’. That’s a promise.

Fancy taking on fellow MNFers in a football challenge? Head over to Borehamwood on Monday and get yourself in a team. Get involved. Have a great weekend..

Soccerette Anyone??

Monday, 2 July 2018

MNF 2nd


Sure, Shimon Defraud blasted three home in a much-needed Darks drubbing – but we know the real reason behind his fancy footwork: his BBQ's. Check out his hat-trick inspiring sausages. In other girl-related news, I’ve got the hottest 2 from Saturday Night. Who are they? Only the best looking things ever to appear at 1 of my gigs in the history of the world. Ever.

Soccerette Anyone??