Friday, 31 August 2018

MNF 3rd

Hello you.

It's no secret that times are hard. Even the imminent Champions League - an event once so epically hard to get tickets for, every year, without fail, you’d have to rely on Dan Reese’s Dad - has this year been reduced to a barely summer chinwag around a broken photocopier. Still, I'm committed to helping the rest of you out, hence why I’m inviting you to Monday’s game.

Soccerette Anyone?

Friday, 17 August 2018

MNF 20th

I’ve been chancing my arm at getting numbers for MNF during August. Each week, I come up with funny 1 liners, shine a camera at hot girls whilst djing and ask for your excuses on why you can’t play?. Until recently, this was terrifying. But then I realized its dark in clubs and the girls don’t see how much grey hair ive actually got, at which point it just became a free for all to see how I quick I could get the shot in...

Soccerette Anyone??

Friday, 10 August 2018

MNF 13th

It’s nearly – nearly – the end of the week: the end of somewhat unconventional tinkering with a “side-scrolling” MNF Friday Email. Yep, some of you are binning it for something better then my usual tat and titillation, but not before I pretend you care and offer up another game. Here's where its at. (yup, Borehamwood 8pm). The first 16 to correctly reply “football experiment” wins a place. You’ll also get a bundle of hotties from this weeks Ibiza trip for your troubles. Oh and if you're around the Ned tomorrow night come and here me play discoooo

Soccerette Anyone?

Friday, 3 August 2018

MNF 6th

After what has felt like an eternity, MNF is finally back. With loads of you away on holibobs, I’ve had to make do with arse-scratching and yawning – which is no substitute, frankly. I’ve been so excited about the upcoming game that I’m waiting in the car park and pumping up the balls already. Get involved. Have a great weekend.

Soccerette Anyone??