Friday, 25 January 2019

MNF 28th

Evening!  Apart from spanking your dosh on ill-advised (but genial) who’s gonna finish top 4, the next best way to add pure first-pumping exhilaration to your football viewing is to get yourself a place in next weeks MNF. Reply here and put yourself forward. When done, have a butchers at last nights Soccerette. Monday's winners will receive gobsmacking guest list and bullet-proof bragging rights. Get some. Not interested? You don't find these emails funny? Oh suit yourself. Here's the beauties. Gotcha.

Friday, 18 January 2019

MNF 21st

Afternoon with most odd-numbered years, there’s loads to look forward to on 2019’s sporting calendar. Following the Iain Chapman's guest appearance, we’re ready for the next MNF - its only 3 days away. Whites are likely to piss away a 2 goal lead now that Damo is getting regular games. Thankfully, MNF is committed to the future of your footballing pleasure. Which is why I send you pics of Soccerettes every week...

Who's in????

Friday, 11 January 2019

MNF 14th

If you're reading this, chances are you're sat morosely at your desk seeking brief respite from the drone-like existence of your tedious job. Meanwhile there are men out there who are receiving a good-luck peck from Angelina Jolie, skidding a Ferrari round a race-track and heading home to pluck a fat cheque from the doormat. So, to celebrate me scoring a goal on Monday, I've got a pic from last nights of our new Soccerette who told me all I need to know about becoming a stuntman and one poor punter set himself on fire. 

Who’s in??

Friday, 4 January 2019

MNF 7th

Quick! The first men to chuck an email here  and tell me what year Damon Letzer will return to MNF wins a sace at this Mondays game. Because I'm awesome like that. Elsewhere, I'm once again on the hunt for the nation’s finest girls at gigs, as MNF’s legendary Soccerette returns. Only this time round, Gucci-encrusted Danielle-Lloyd-alikes aren’t going to make the cut. For 2019, I’m after a higher breed of hottie. The sort who not only has magnificent physical assets and smells nice, but also possesses the enthusiasm of a sugared-up Akabusi. Why? Because this year’s queen will be transformed into a genuine MNF Superfan. Point worthy sexpots in this direction. Have a great weekend.

Who’s In??