Friday, 26 April 2019

MNF 29th

Dear MNFer’s 

Well, it’s been a week of importance. And while across the road Wolves done the world a favour (more of which later), back in the Norff London my server have been groaning under the weight of traffic for Monday’s game. The sheer scope and quality of this week's candidates should revive even the most frazzled Bank Holiday crusaders, so head this way for the sexy side of Djing. I’ve been taking pictures of groupies far and wide, making lists of the things that women hate most about us and laughing at footage of our resident funnyman James Miller sliding down the pitch on his stomach. Like a penguin.

Soccerette Anyone??

Saturday, 13 April 2019

MNF 16th

Not that I'm suggesting you go out and try it, but have sex with a footballer and people will pay attention to you. Just ask ex Pussycat Doll the the whole of Mill Hill want to speak to after she spent last week boffing one of our very own MNFers. But the former model remained loyal to her friends, spilling the saucy beans at the launch of the revamped club last night, and it just so happens I got a photo with Zoe of course…

Soccerette Anyone??

Saturday, 6 April 2019

MNF 8th

Dear MNFer, Well, it’s been a week of important moves my servers have been groaning under the weight of traffic for Monday’s game. The sheer scope and quality of this week’s candidates should revive even the most frazzled MNF crusaders, so head this way for the sexy side of Borehamwood. Keeping a keen eye on our MNF? You’ll have noted that March’s player of the Month award goes to Achilles. Kill topped the monthly table with 269 points, by virtue of cheating and switching sides during a game a few weeks ago.

Fancy getting involved?

Who’s in….