Monday, 6 August 2012


Hi ,
What a weekend! Could Britain be on more of a roll? Team GB are absolutely storming these Olympics, with every passing hour seeing yet more medals awarded and yet more world records snapped in two like brittle twigs.
Aside from swelling our hearts with patriotic pride, it's also giving me a chance to show off my impressive knowledge of shooting, cycling, judo and rowing - sports which I've long been a total expert on, ever since I skim-read some Wikipedia pages a couple of days ago.
How could this week possibly get any better? Well, I'll tell you: the brand-new MNF tonight! Featuring hyper-fit Jason De Mel, it's a record-breaking, medal-winning, podium-bothering, national anthem-singing, overcome-with-emotion-ing champion amongst football.
Be part of history: sprint down to Borehamwood, DON’T FORGET LAST WEEKS SUBS 'ROBERT & CO"


1. Letzer x1
2. Turk x1
3. Bobert x1
4. Chilli x1
5. Wazza x1
6. Dave lee
7. Josh b
8. Cooper x1
9. Silver x1


10. Gink x1
11. Jason d x1
12. Grotts  x1
13.  Singer x 1
14. Freed x1 
15. Dan reese x1

16. Spencor x 1
17. Dj x 1
18. Rat x1 

Turky has 2nd july subs  Turk x1 charlie x1 lee x1 cooper x1 dave lee x1
chilli x1

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