Friday, 27 March 2015

MNF 30th

Not all MNF Can have me scoring! Paul Grotts set me up a few times this week but it wasn't to be ( I blame the solar eclipse!)– however 6 in 4 aint bad and it felt bloody amazing...

Next weeks MNF is at approximately 20:00 (GMT) and will last one hour. You can't sleep in or work late, because you'll miss it. If you do accidentally sleep in or work late, Like the Eclipse it'll be 2026 before you get chosen again. By which time, we may have destroyed so much of the planet that everyone will be too busy fighting over a part of it to stand on to see what’s going on anyway.

It gonna be a glorious game jam-packed full of brilliant skill you won't find anywhere else…

Miami Soccerette Anyone???

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