Friday, 20 May 2016

MNF 23rd


As with most even-numbered years, there’s not much to look forward to on 2016’s sporting calendar. Following the Newcastle debacle, we’re already writing off next season and the next international football (worth caring about) is still over a month away. Even Richard Ashley is likely to piss away his regular status now that he’s getting ever closer to parenthood.

Thankfully, MNF are committed to the future of your sporting pleasure. Which is why I’m launching a campaign to get MNF – the practically no-holds-barred painfest enjoyed by scarily large men and Damon Letzer – onto the 2018 Olympic calendar. Just imagine it – Spencer Simmons pummelling the organs out of Richard Freed on a massive floating octagon in the middle of the Borehamwood. Head this way to join our thoroughly worthy cause.

Prefer your entertainment with a little less blood, sweat and grunting? Come to Ibiza for IMS on Tuesday. It’s light on grappling, but laden with hilarious, sexy and inventive attempts to get you partying.

Check out last nights hottie, shoving Shimon Defirend squarely off his perch in the 'looks incredible in a pair of tight culottes' stakes.


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