Monday, 21 February 2011

MNF 21st My Birthday Party

There was a big match this week. No, not some French team beating some Spanish team in North London, we’re talking about a proper old fashioned dust-up. A big ol’ showdown, in McQueen, Shoreditch.
In the red corner is, the Hairy Maxter hoping to celebrate is birthday in true knockout style. In the blue corner is Richard ‘Gingbag’ Ashley, weighing in at 42 (and a half) years old and hoping his luscious legs will dance their way to victory.
Let me know if you guys are around should be fun, The referee for this title bout? The one and only Aston Harvey. (Strange saying, that, 'the one and only', seeing as there are probably thousands of 'Aston Harveys' around. But that's not very interesting, so let's just ignore that particular tangent.) The thing is, y’see, as every good woman knows, if you’re attending a fancy do (like my birthday), you can only wear a dress that flaunts your legs OR your cleavage. Women that break this golden tenet are banished to the land of ‘I wouldn’t let my boyfriend be friends with HER’, a land populated by tuts and furtively exchanged knowing glances.
See you at 7.50pm


1. Chilli
2. David d
3. Silver
4. Ian
5. Cooper x1
6. Gink
7. Dave lee
8. Perilly


9. Damon
10. Deniz
11. Didge
12. Baum
13. The rat
14. Defraud
15. Singer
16. Dave Jones

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