Friday, 27 May 2011

BHMNF 30th

Hi there,

Well, it’s the end of the Premier League season. (It hasn't been called the 'Premiership' since 2007 — get with the programme.) Some MNFers are sad, some are joyous, and some still think it's called the Premiership and couldn't really care less.

But how to fill the void left behind? You could learn the rules of cricket and try to follow it. Wimbledon’s round the corner if strawberries and cream is your thing. Or you could always pay your subs before you play to guarantee a place in BHMNF. You know, it’s like playing ‘penny up the wall’ with Freed at School (except he used to use pound coins…..) Have a look at who asked for my number last night, watch Monday's highlights here & tell me who fancy’s the Bank Holiday Soccerette???

Monday, 23 May 2011


Hi there,

There's a word in cycling lingo to define the moment in a race when your body, empty of energy, gives up on you. It's called 'bonking'. And if you apply that term to the moment on a Monday afternoon when you make a conscious decision to just fart about until MNF, you could say that MNF has just done a massive bonk.

Bonkety-bonk bonk.

Bonk bonk.

Remember Pay before you Play, and anyone who doesn’t pay the full amount or forgets gets DROPPED for next week’s game – all additional subs will go towards Dave Jones FSIDs charity.


1. Simon x1
2. Turk
3. Baum
4. Rat
5. David d x1
6. Dan reese
7. Chilli
8. Grotts


9. Gink
10. Damon
11. Cooper
12. Jason d
13. Silver x already paid
14. Perilly
15. Dave jones
16. Singer

Friday, 20 May 2011

MNF 23rd Shimons Going Out

Hi there,

Put away your coat. Load the ice cube tray. Clean your barbecue. Realise it’s still filthy. Buy a new barbecue. Wash your shorts. Realise they’re still filthy. Refuse to buy new shorts because it’s a total hassle. Enjoy a few touching moments with old hosey the hose because he’ll be banned soon.

A TWO-WEEK HEATWAVE HAS BEEN FORECAST & next weeks MNF is gonna be good, especially as Simon’s ‘trouble’ has been away all week and the little gonk has been in bed at 9.30pm every night, preparing - he’s hardcore you know…………Let’s see what happens tonight?!

Soccerette Anyone???

Monday, 16 May 2011


Hi there,
So, its MNF tonight.

It's lot like the old tale of David and Goliath, really. Except in this instance Goliath isn't a giant but an Property Developer fellow with quite a large bank balance. And David isn't a little chap with a slingshot; he's a normal-sized chap with Ginger hair. And they're competing for a place in the MNF Hall of Fame rather than battling for good against evil. A bit like last weeks highlights which can be seen right here…

Yeah, perhaps it's not that similar, after all. Enjoy the game. X marks who owes from previous weeks please don’t forget…


1. Didge
2. Gink
3. Dave jones
4. Damon x1
5. Simon
6. Baum £2
7. Singer
8. Gotts


10. Ratz
11. David d
12. Chilli
13. Llyod x1
14. Dan Reese
15. Perrily x2
16. Cooper

Thursday, 12 May 2011

MNF 16th

Hi there,

When I announced our Teams for MNF on Monday, more people visited the Blog on Facebook in a single 24 hours than have ever done before. Including that time I ran a competition to give away Damon Letzers tight Netplay T Shirt. Unwashed. As always, thanks for playing. EXCLUSIVE FRIDAY MNF GIVEAWAY: To mark the 2nd anniversary of 'Lloyd, Baum, Josh and Perilly all forgetting their Subs’. i've got 16 places for next week. To bag yours, send an email telling me whether or not you'd want Charlie Sheen covering your back in a land ownership battle with Shimon Defraud.

Enjoy the weekend...

Soccerette Anyone??

Monday, 9 May 2011


Hi there,

As you’re probably aware, it’s been a busy weekend. Now in it’s 17th year, our original and best MNFer in the World poll never fails to get the attention it deserves. Tonight’s game, which comes with a free HD highlights package, while you can relive it all by watching them on youtube on Friday, Don’t forget last weeks subs as marked below and the ‘pay before you play’ which is now in full force

Enjoy the game...


1. Didge x1
2. Gink
3. David d x1
4. Reese x1
5. Lloyd x1
6. Jason d x1
7. Singer x1
8. DJ


9. Baum x1
10. Warren x1
11. Perilly x2
12. The rat x1
13. Defraud
14. Cooper x1
15. Chilli
16. Gotts x1

Friday, 6 May 2011

MNF 9th


Hot stuff, that is, from an influential standpoint. Every Monday I put out a list of our 16 most influential MNFers – it’s a bit nebulous, but folk must get tired of reading the Rich List and need something else to leaf through and disagree with.

On it this week – aside from people like The Rat, Simon De Fraud (that Property lad, he’s doing pretty well for himself), Deniz Aziz and Damon Letzer – is Josh Abrahams, who happened to turn up on Monday looking pretty cool…

Soccerette Anyone???