Hi there,
The MNF office is currently a sea of orange. Everywhere you look, there's a mashed-up pumpkin. It looks like Bert (Max) and Ernie (Defraud) had a punch up (probably after a debate about whether it's better to have a monobrow or no eyebrows at all), and things didn't end well for poor Ern.
It's not too late for YOU to get involved in the MNF Pumpkin Carving Competition. Just carve something amazeballs and send me a picture Winners will win a pair of new boots curtesy of Cellphone store…..
Teams - don’t forget last weeks subs……
Gotts x1
Warren x1
Turk x1
Didge x1
Jason d
Silver x1
Cooper x1
Dj x1
Ian x1
The rat x1
Perilly x1
Damon x1
Chilli x1