Friday, 25 November 2011

MNF 28th

Hi there,

I know better than to trust everything I see on the internet. I've been burnt before. There was the time the internet promised I could have a brand new iPhone just for shooting three cartoon ducks (or was that Cellphone Store?!). My humanitarian side really struggled morally as I popped those little blighters with my crosshair, and still I'm stuck with a naff phone. I've been waiting ages for that cheque from the Nigerian Lottery, and Regal Homes are gonna be really cheesed if it doesn't show up soon.

But today, I pray: please internet, don't let me down. Because today, the internet told us that Hugh Grant's full name is Hugh John Mungo Grant.


What's the best thing YOU'VE ever seen on the internet? Is it the horror tackle from P Goat? Was it the one where he trips over himself and fractures his foot, or the Trailer? Email me and I'll make a lovely little feature compiling the best ones. It'll be GRAND.

Soccerette Anyone???

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