Hi there,
Can you hear church bells ringing? That's the villagers celebrating - yeah, the villagers of BRITAIN, that's right - because last night I left the office without a coat on to pick up some stuff for dinner. It was all streamers and trumpets, dancing girls and marching bands out there. They've even built a giant wicker man wearing a giant wicker coat and then burnt it on Oxford Street in an effort to banish the spectre of old man Winter and his wicked icy breath.
Other yearly celebrations you can look forward to are the Taking Our Jumper Off In At Gingbag's Garden Spectacular and Slow Walk Home From Work Appreciating Nature Eve. Although that one's harder to predict, and they often get it wrong. Still, it's nice that they try, eh?
Friday MNF Giveaway: sixteen places of definitely-not-a-first-date-psychological-thriller-game of MNF - on Monday - up for grabs. Your details please. Thank you.
Enjoy the soccerette...
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