Friday, 30 December 2011

NY MNF 2nd


Roughly a million people watch the highlights of MNFmassive on youtube (Like the ‘All I Want For Christmas Is Jews’?!), just need to get it on BBC Three. MNF are making a little trip to Thailand to see Gingbag & Myers 'Fist' tour at the Bangkok Arena. Before I travel, I’m asking the fine MNFers to tell us the funniest stories they've heard about in 2011 thanks to MNF.
Obviously the story about the guy who scammed £7 million out of Bristol Zoo. The old boy who started ‘working’ there 25 years ago as a fake car park attendant was charging cars and coaches to park there and due to a mix up between the zoo and the council no one even realised he was doing anything wrong! Doesn’t count, and I’m still waiting to see if the first MNF 2012 will be on this Monday but on the off chance it is need to know who fancy’s the soccerette??

Happy New Year – See You On The Other Side…

Friday, 23 December 2011


Can you hear trumpets in the distance? You probably can. They're heralding our legendary MNF, which is happening possibly next WED 28th. How are you getting geared up for this epic event? Well, if I'm honest, I'm sitting down with a cup of tea and watching this weeks highlights and tinkering with the soundtrack. But I'm just warming up. Mark my words. Tonight, I'm going to paint the town not only red but many other similar shades, including crimson, mauve, maroon, and really dark pink. And, if I've got time, puce.

But no promises on puce. I'll see you in 2012 if no one wants to play next week. If you could get me a cup of coffee (black, two sugars, slug of whisky, little more, little more, what's the matter, are you afraid of running out?) and some dark glasses for tomorrow morning, that'd just be super.


Monday, 19 December 2011


Hi there,

The brutal truth of the matter is that I may have to work late tonight. The MNF website is nearlyfinished, y'see, but 'nearly' doesn't cut it, not when you want to throw yourself into Christmas party time with true recklessness. So I'll get it done after-hours, make sure it's just as I want it, just as you asked for it, just in time for deadline. Then, I'll get a little bit merry. Enjoy yourselves out there tonight…its gonna be cold!

Don’t forget last weeks subs either!!!


Cooper x 1
Josh x 1
Jason x 1
Ging x 1
Richard Peach
Damon x 1
Chilli x 1
Silver x 1


Dan Reese x 1
Didge x 1
Turk X 1
Dave Lee
ARON x 1
Dave J x 2
Darren Harris

Friday, 16 December 2011

MNF 19th

Hi there,

Who'd be a four-time Olympic gold-medal winner, eh? Cyclist Sir Chris Hoy is took an absolute hammering on Twitter this week after being mistaken for Premier League ref Chris Foy, the man who might not have had the best of games at Sunday's fixture between Stoke City and Spurs. Robbed!

"Just for the record 1) I don't need glasses and 2) I do not lead a double life as an English premier league ref. That's Chris Foy," Hoy tweeted. Meanwhile, on the MNFmassive Twitter account you can say WHATEVER YOU LIKE. Really. I mean that. Keep those messages coming, especially if you fancy seeing your name in the team next week.

Soccerette Anyone?

Monday, 12 December 2011


Hi there,

The answer, my friend, is blowin' in the wind
The answer is blowin' in the wind

...sang Bob Dylan. This weekend, during the pretty-bloody-punchy winds we've been having, the answer was apparently Gingbags Birthday

To celebrate the happy fact that I'm hanging out with Duran Duran TONIGHT, I've got a great game lined up for you later, plus a waffle maker, a cooler box and a selection of lovely snacks to give away to one lucky MNFer.



Jason D
Dave Jones x1


Darren Harris

Friday, 9 December 2011

MNF 12th

Hi there,

Bl-oo-dy hell. You spend a few days hauled up in outermost Norfolk and when you return the whole world has turned upside down. Shimon Defraud is coming to a boys night out, Gingbag is going to Thailand with another fella (GAY), I'm on crutches from Monday, Jeremy Clarkson's upset everyone and there's pandas in Scotland.

Pandas in Scotland? Isn't that one of the seven signs of the apocalypse?

Kings Club Chelsea tomorrow night if you fancy that and the Soccerette??

Enjoy the weekend

Monday, 5 December 2011


Hi there,

Blimey, MNF teams tonight are a bit hoo-ha. But it's all done now, with Darks drawn in Group A alongside Whites, So now you know.

In case you hadn't heard yet, Gingbag is back from the USA. You can hear all about it by talking to him tonight, but for now I'd just like to say thanks once again for all your texts, tweets and messages you've sent it. We're making the MNF you want, and I hope it shows. Have a superb game...and don’t forget if you owe, you have to go…………..


1. Max
2. Josh
3. Jason d
4. DJ
5. Dave Lee x1
6. Shatty
7. Didge
8. Darren Harris (2 quid)


9. Warren
10. Silver
11. Ratz
12. Dan Reese
13. Damon
15. Chilli
17. Cooper
18. Gink

Friday, 2 December 2011

MNF 5th

i there,

Today's big news, obviously, is that its the Cellphone Store Xmas Party tonight. I know your all in a tizz, because it's a chance that Richard might find a geezer….& clearly if the planets are appropriately aligned, it's just a matter of time before we can announce the first official MNF wedding. Gingbag has a colour scheme and eveything.

Oh BTW I just read that one of John Lennon's to-do lists is going under the hammer on Wednesday with a minimum bid of £1,900. Accordingly, I've just written 'Write more to-do lists and KEEP THEM REALLY SAFE' on a scrap of paper. You should too.

Enjoy the weekend…who fancy's the Soccerette??

Monday, 28 November 2011


Hi there,

When I heard it was Black Friday last week, I thought "Oh God, what's Sepp Blatter been saying now?" But it's okay, it's just the day when everyone goes "Oh bloody hell don't tell me Christmas has come round AGAIN" and starts buying stuff like the closing of Currys' shutters will initiate an Armageddon.

Not me, though. I'll be doing my usual trick of leaving everything until the last minute, buying it online, realising it won't arrive in time and then undertaking a demoralising dash around a barren Poundland.

I don't want to ruin any surprises but... If you're expecting to receive a gift from MNF this year, and you're a big fan of playing football in the freezing cold, then boy oh boy could you be in for a joyous Noël.

Enjoy the game and don’t forget last weeks subs…as we have a few extras that wanna play tonight!


Dave Jones x1
Shatty x1
Chilli x1
Ratz x1
Baum x1


Turk x2 + (Nephew)
Didge x1
Josh x1
Gotts x1
Jason x1

Friday, 25 November 2011

MNF 28th

Hi there,

I know better than to trust everything I see on the internet. I've been burnt before. There was the time the internet promised I could have a brand new iPhone just for shooting three cartoon ducks (or was that Cellphone Store?!). My humanitarian side really struggled morally as I popped those little blighters with my crosshair, and still I'm stuck with a naff phone. I've been waiting ages for that cheque from the Nigerian Lottery, and Regal Homes are gonna be really cheesed if it doesn't show up soon.

But today, I pray: please internet, don't let me down. Because today, the internet told us that Hugh Grant's full name is Hugh John Mungo Grant.


What's the best thing YOU'VE ever seen on the internet? Is it the horror tackle from P Goat? Was it the one where he trips over himself and fractures his foot, or the Trailer? Email me and I'll make a lovely little feature compiling the best ones. It'll be GRAND.

Soccerette Anyone???

Monday, 21 November 2011


Hi there,

Today the sun rises at 7.25am and sets 8 hours, 41 minutes and 56 seconds later at 4.06pm. By that time, MNF hopes to have made a decision on whether or not to enrol in the UK 'Curry College' being proposed by communities secretary, Eric Pickles. Seriously.

13 places for tonight, which means we need 1 more, If you have someone, or reckon you might, it'd take the hassle out of me finding one, send your deets.

Enjoy the game…COYS!!!


Dave Jones
Grotts (please bring a ball!)


The rat
Jason d
Dave Lee

Friday, 18 November 2011

MNF 21st

Hi there,

There's a few MNFers out there who'd like to remain anonymous but have written to me with a problem:

"Hey MNF, I'm having a tough time. MNF is on Monday, Spurs v Aston Villa is on Monday, its our work Christmas Party on Monday All these tings are going on and I want to go to them ALL but I'm still trying to catch up on all the fantastic highlights, because I live with my girlfriend and she moans if I so much as look at the MNF email. What do I do, buy another computer? Sleep less? Move out? Let me know, please."

It's a tough one alright. Can you help? Maybe this will – Soccerette anyone?

Monday, 14 November 2011


Hi there,

Okay so we’re fourteen days into Movember, and I'm really fighting the urge to shave off this whispy bristly abomination that makes me resemble an 80s footballer with a sideline in blue movies. If you’re taking part, you should turn up tonight, because we're all in this together and stuff.

Enjoy the game…Teams below…


Dan reese
Josh x1
Darren Harris x1


Dave jones

Friday, 11 November 2011

MNF 14th

Hi there,

Did you know that Richard ‘Gink’ Ashley gets paid £40k per computer he plugs in ? That means he gets paid more to sit there dour-faced saying "orgh, shawking wiring" than some of those brokers get paid to actually do the shocking wiring. Shocking.

Exclusive Friday MNF email... 16 (yes, 16!) places up for grabs in Mondays game To get your name in the metaphorical-but-nonetheless-dashing hat, just ping your deets 'ere. Soccerette Anyone?

Enjoy the weekend...

Monday, 7 November 2011


Hi there,

It's not just been the week Simon Defraud asked to taken off the MNF email. In case you missed it (Ba Baum), it's been the week of the outrageously-good highlights. I edited what I believe is the ultimate trailer (it's not just a vid) and then uploaded it to youtube, then posted it on Facebook so all the WAGS could see. They are so mighty that Laura Defraud was pretty sure she could see tufts of Chuck Norris' beard in between the scenes. Bring on Christmas. And those that are getting slack with the subs, get with it……..

See you later


Darren Harris x 2
The Rat
Jason D
Dave Lee


Dan Reese
Shatty x 1
Dave jones x 1

Friday, 4 November 2011

MNF 7th

Hi there,

It's only bloody MNF! The occasionally quite good MNFers continue their preparation for 2012 by taking on Lights at Borehamwood on Monday. I've got 16 places to give away. If you want in, send us a picture of your football boots. The Turk has already done so…
Good luck!

The highlghts from a few weeks ago are finished and dammit they're good Mondays ones will be ready next week, and you'll have no trouble recognising Defraudgate on its own clip. Also included: the rules of dating (for the Gink), 1. McDonalds isnt going for dinner 2. Don’t ask her to chip in for a Big Mac 3. Don’t send her 38 SMSs in 2 hours!, you might as well read the feature on why Gary Barlow is just like you. For real.

Soccerette anyone???

Monday, 31 October 2011


Hi there,

The MNF office is currently a sea of orange. Everywhere you look, there's a mashed-up pumpkin. It looks like Bert (Max) and Ernie (Defraud) had a punch up (probably after a debate about whether it's better to have a monobrow or no eyebrows at all), and things didn't end well for poor Ern.

It's not too late for YOU to get involved in the MNF Pumpkin Carving Competition. Just carve something amazeballs and send me a picture Winners will win a pair of new boots curtesy of Cellphone store…..

Teams - don’t forget last weeks subs……


Gotts x1
Warren x1
Turk x1
Didge x1
Jason d
Silver x1


Cooper x1
Dj x1
Ian x1
The rat x1
Perilly x1
Damon x1
Chilli x1

Thursday, 27 October 2011

MNF 31st

Hi there,

Come on, let's hear it for Simon Defriennd. The man's clearly bonkers but brilliant with it; his first time going into the office yesterday was an ice-cool nothings-gonna-stop-me and that 'look how tough I am?' T-shirt celebration was even more inspired. Here's the latest sing-song from the terraces:

Oh Simon he's a striker…
He's good at buying houses / but can’t wear any trousers
He's allergic to grass but when he plays / He's fucking class
Drives round in his 911 / and is having a daughter or a son?
Always wears a vest / Because he’s the best
Buys loads of buildings / but has no feelings
Has a lovely gaff / even though his jokes are naff
Now he’s done his knee / he still seems to glee
MNFers love him / and got him a card –
Who says the man isn’t that Hard?

Oh Simon …

Let's get him better, shall we? Soccerette...from right now in my tokyo hotel room………………

Sunday, 23 October 2011

MNF 24th Teams

Hi there,

Well my stomach is groaning after a delivery of chilli Ramon I had last night in Roponggi . Seriously, when someone says you can’t finish off anymore and you go ‘ha, I so can’ then you get meat cramps it’s a pretty dire start to the week. Still, there’s loads to get your teeth stuck into even if you don’t have a Ramon at hand, like our awesome MNF email with team sheets….

Trailer -


1. Dan reese
2. josh
3. Warren
4. Darren harris x1
5. Turk
6. Gotts
7. Silver
8. Ratzker


9. Didge
10. Perilly
11. Ian chapman
12. dave jones
13. Chilli
14. Damon
15. Cooper
16. Shatty

Friday, 21 October 2011

MNF 24th

Hi there,

Get well soon to Simon ‘Ledley King’ Defraud, he’s only got 1 knee he’s better than John Terry, and MNF's Co-ordinator, Gingbag. Rich had such a wild week that he's now lost his voice and is just nodding and smiling whilst I tell him about getting his Wilsons for Matt Goss at the Royal Albert Hall tonight. Great work, Gingbag.

Enjoy the weekend – who fancys the Soccerette??

Monday, 17 October 2011

MNF 17th Teams

Hi there,

So MNF nearly banned Baum for three games, meaning he'll miss the next encounters of MNF. Basically, Baum did a bad thing, then he'll do a good thing and everything will be okay again.


I went to Dave Lee's for Sunday Lunch yesterday, it was a 90s themed party, so it made sense for the Gingbag to organise it…packets of Sherbet Dip-Dap, Toy Story Posters and a bird dressed like Anneka Rice! she's still hot, obviously, but I cant help think she must have felt sad sorting out Dave's Component lead when her career used to consist of scissor grabbing confused female contestants with her powerful, tanned thighs.

See you later….


Jason D
Dan reese
Darren harris


The Rat
Iain Chapman
Dave jones

Friday, 14 October 2011

MNF 17th

Hi there,

Well that was a mental week. Renting the flat, getting gooey-eyed over the pages of the IKEA catalogue and wondering why the new tenant decided he didn’t want the mirrors. Is he a vampire? Ghost? Only time will tell.
While he grows accustomed to his new surroundings (and I see what i can forage for food on the way into work), you can check out the latest brilliant trailer for MNF – This MNF seems like it might be full to the brim, so unfortunately its a first come first served for the 16 VIP places – good luck who fancys the soccerette??

Monday, 10 October 2011

MNF 10th Teams

Hi there,

Hello there MNFers, so here it begins. No more slacking at MNF. It’s truly a great honour to play, and I can promise you will not be let down. Rest assured, I won’t throw the baby out with the bathwater, instead I’ll put that little baby in a cannon and fire the bugger into space, and film it all for your viewing pleasure. Seriously, I will be making some changes to the rules – all of them good – there’ll be more on football, more on Gingbag, more useful arrears section, it’ll be sexy but never sleazy; stuff that I'm pretty certain floats your boat.

Make sure you bring the balances tonight…..

Jason D
Grotts x 2
Dave Lee
Turky Turk
Baum x1
Ratsker x1

Dave Jones x1
Cooper – 3 quid
Damon – 1 quid
Dan Reese

Friday, 7 October 2011

MNF 10th

Hi there,

Today I went to Sainsbury's to buy a Fab ice lolly and guess what? Amazingly, the self-checkout machine gave me back the exact money we put in - a perfect end to the summer. But if the newspapers are right it'll be snowing by Monday, at which point I'll be marching straight back to the very same self-checkout for some baked beans and blood-warming liquor. You can have some, if you like.

Enjoy the Fast….Soccerette Anyone???

Monday, 3 October 2011


Hi there,

If ever there was a day to bunk off work, it was today. Or Friday. Or yesterday. Oop no, yesterday was Sunday and outside, it was just like Barbados. Enjoyed it. Shorts, shades, ice creams, just-longer-than-you-normally-would-eye-contact-on-public-transport. Spurs beating the Arse. THE WORKS. Enjoy tonight and don’t forget last weeks subs marked by an X! Oh and this weeks soccerette…..


1. Max
2. Dan Reese x1
3. Defraud x1
4. Deniz x1
5. Josh
6. Jason d x1
7. Gotts x1
8. TBC


9. Letzer x1
10. Dave Jones x1
11. Perilly x1
12. Chilli x1
13. Cooper x1
14. Baum x1
15. Didge x1
16. Gink x1

Sunday, 25 September 2011

MNf 26th TEAMS

Hi there,

Sunday. Whether it's the hazy glow of a curry house, the smoke and chatter of outdoor drinking or the sweaty calling of a gig, I'm with you all the way. It is the closing parties in Ibiza. And right now, in the MNF office, I'm celebrating with beers and burritos. You have a good one tomorrow, night and watch the new trailer right here….
DJ x1
Jason D


Dan reese

Friday, 23 September 2011

MNF 26th

Hi there,

Woah, what happened last week? One minute Aaron's playing & scoring, the next it's all dark outside and he's filming (badly) I've just realised there's sod all in the fridge for dinner and it's going to have to be fish fingers and crisps. Maybe a Fredo for dessert. But hey, that's no bad thing. Monday (I'm off to Beefa!)? Bring it on.

Oh and here is what I could salvage from the the Highlights (below), its only 1 minute which is roughly the amount of time it takes Shimon Defraud to bash one out…..

Anyone fancy the Soccerette?

Monday, 19 September 2011


Hi there,

I've been putting the finishing touches to the MNF teams today. It's been a stressful time, but nothing compared to the ultimate chaos at UBS. (not RBS Simon!) After some spectacular rogue trading, they're looking at a possible £1.5bn hole in their finances. IMAGINE THAT. It hasn't been that stressful. But I've earned a pint of the good stuff and can't wait to see you later. Have a top day, get stuck in the Grind and start thinking about a MNF costume because tonight, right, MNF is going to be massive...


1. Perilly
3. Ian
4. Ratzger
5. Didge
6. Dave jones
7 Baum
8. Damon


9. Max
10. Shatty
11. Jason d
12. Turk
13. Defraud
14. Darren cooper
15. Warren
16. Dan reese

Friday, 16 September 2011

MNF 19th

Hi there,

Last week was a weird one at MNF. We had two Deformed's, six Regulars and Azza, Wazza's son all dropping in for a visit, as well as taking receipt of a massive cake crafted in the image of the Soccerette's below. I asked no questions and ate it all, because that's what hungry people do.

I've got sixteen places for next weeks MNF. We haven't had highlights for a long time so can't vouch for its level of epicness, but it will feature some of you rowdy bunch! Did you know there is a Belarusian town called Brest?. If you want one, send your details here

Enjoy the weekend ...

Monday, 12 September 2011


Hi there,

What did you get up to at the weekend? I went to Gingbags, watched the rugby, went to a dinner party that inevitably degenerated into a drinking contest, moved house, seeing the folks, downloading loads of music, had an early fireworks party, ordered a massive curry, eat a disgusting fry-up and watched The X-Factor. But that's because I'm not just one person. MNF is a big, boisterous group of semi-adults just trying to nail this thing. You keep up the good work. If you're the type of guy who'd like to have all the MNF highlights on Blu-ray to own forever and just fondly stroke on your bedroom shelf whenever you feel like it then get down to Borehamwood tonight 7.50pm



1. Max
2. Chilli
3. Shatty
4. Jason d
5. Warren
6. Dan reese
7. Deformed
8. Ratzker


9. Didge
10. Baum
11. Perilly
12. Damon x1
13. Ian
14. David d
15. Dave jones
16. Gink

Friday, 9 September 2011

MNF 12th

Hi there,

Right now – at this VERY moment – 40-year-old unfunnyman Jonathan Deformed is trying to do exercise that doesn’t involve him getting injured! swimming the length of the Thames perhaps. It’s 140 miles long. It’ll take over a week. 39million cubic metres of raw sewage end up in the Thames every year. Sometimes, weird things like armless dead bodies and whales are found just bobbing around.

He will get to eat about 4,400 calories every day.

Every cloud, eh?

With shots from every angle, MNF arrives this Monday. To get one of sixteen places, Let me know who fancy’s the Soccerette?.

Monday, 5 September 2011


Hi there,

It's the Morning after the night before and there's a new rule for MNF. If you forget your subs or late for MNF or cancel after a night out, you have to sink a shot of vodka and be spun around in a chair until you beg for mercy. HR aren't particularly happy about it, but if we're going to regularly hold events like last weeks BHMNF with Jonathan Defriend, it's best we have some ground rules. The new game is on tonight and we have a full complement of players to choose from, so let me know asap if you cant make it we have people waiting in the wings.

Enjoy the game...


Jason D
Cooper x 5
Jon defriend
Simon d – Paid 2 weeks ago
Shatty x 5


David d
Damon x 5

Friday, 2 September 2011

MNF 5th


Who’s Jonathan Defriend? my sentiments exactly, dear MNFer, when the lovely Aggressive F**K played with us last week. He’s just gone out and brought to whole kit, you might see it on Monday I've embedded a normal pic for your viewing pleasure - and he wants people to look at it, which is fair enough really.

Luckily for him (and luckily for me) Jon’s blessed with a killer body and a willingness to show it off in a variety of Kit as disparate as they are sporty, ranging from a broken finger (and who amongst us hasn’t fantasised about getting off with the Soccerette below at some point in our lives?) to an Asthma Attack (for that bullet-ridden psychopathic chic).

Max 'two in two' Bloom – well??

Monday, 22 August 2011

MNF 22nd Teams

Hi there,

Walking to the train station this morning, I overheard a snippet of conversation between a young couple. The boy had auditioned for X Factor. Judging by his speaking voice, his rather fetching shellsuit, and the fact that he had clearly cut his own hair, I reckon he'll make it to the final three, at least.

I can hear Louis now: "Well oi loiked it!"

In other asinine television news, remember last year when Big Brother finally finished FOREVER?

Well last week it started again.

And it was mildly hilarious.

They obviously couldn't afford the Geordie voiceover bloke that always used to do it, so, rather than get someone with, we dunno, a completely different voice, they got someone who sounded enough like that Geordie bloke for it to be weird but not enough like him for anyone to think it was actually him.

Oh, television. Especially as we need 2 more for tonight, please ask around ASAP - Wazza has Aaron got any mates???

Enjoy the game...


1. Chilli
2. Aron
3. Warren
4. Max
5. Shatty
6. Perilly
7. TBC


8. Jason D
9. Dave jones
10. Baum
11. Dan reese
12. Gotts
13. TBC
14. Dave

Friday, 19 August 2011

MNF 22nd

Hi there,

So, the Premier League made its return at the weekend. It turns out, even though we’ve been without it for almost four months, not much has changed. (Luckily we’ve had MNF)

Joey Barton is still the kind of boy your mum wouldn't want you to be friends with. Kieron Dyer is still made of glass. Manchester United are still winning games of football and Fernando Torres still can’t score a goal. (He should take some tips from the Maxter!)

Plus, Cesc Fabregas joined Barcelona. Apparently he prefers their "pass, pass, pass, pass, goal" tactic to Arsenal's "pass, pass, pass, pass, slap".

And because Manure are playing the mighty Spurs on Monday night, we maybe short of numbers for MNF need to know ASAP if you fancy the Soccerette……

Monday, 15 August 2011

MNF 15th Teams

Hi there,

While many people were doing brave and helpful things during last week’s riots, I was hiding out in Chelsea eating ham straight from the packet and getting frightened by nonsensical rumour-mongering on Twitter.

In truth, I’m a little disappointed that the climax of my riot drama was when a tiny piece of pasta caught fire on the hob and I had to frantically wave a tea towel under the fire alarm to avoid annoying the neighbours. Could have posted that on Twitter as a raging inferno of a housefire, I suppose.

Someone should make up a saying about all this dramatic hyperbole. "Don't believe everything you read" - something like that.

If you can get one more tonight make let me know asap or if you let us down and would rather give me a nice £5 for nothing, email me back saying I’m out, and that's exactly what you'll get.

Enjoy the game...


1. Simon
2. David defriend
3. Baum
4. Didge
5. Dan Reese x1
6. Dave jones
7. Perilly
8. Jason d


9. Max
10. Warren
11. Aaron
12. Darren Harris
13. Chilli
14. Grotts
15. Shamps
16. TBC (need 1 more!)

Friday, 12 August 2011

MNF 15th

Hi there,

This week, literally all this week, we watched live coverage of riots in Hackney, Enfield & Birmingham And d'you know what I’m thinking?

Leave. Nando's. Alone.


On a completely unrelated topic, our friends at MNF have produced a snazzy trailer for the new MNF League season. Enjoy it, don't break a window.

Exclusive Friday MNF Newsletter giveaway... Nat Spray, the can to stop you getting bitten to shreds next week. If you want to win some, email me telling us your favourite MNF star of all time. Include wheather you fancy the soccerette too, so we don't have to go all Miss Marple on your ass.

Enjoy the weekend….

Monday, 8 August 2011


Hi there,

If you're a fan of Enfield, a fan of the Tottenham, or, steady now, a fan of Charity Shops, there's been big news this weekend.

Police are looking for a man who owns VHS, likes Puzzles, Wearing a Wedding dress & Cardigan listening to a Leo Sayer LP

Hold on. Hold on just a minute.

Police have also confirmed that should the riots threaten London's fashion district they will adopt a size zero tolerance….

Frankly, until this fancy 'Looting' starts pulling its weight by taking a few Cher Lloyd CDs, vandalising WHL or turning up at MNF, we're just going to carry on like normal.



Jason d
Aaron (Wazza is that ok?)
Dazza harris


David d
Dave jones
Didge x1
Josh x1

Friday, 5 August 2011

MNF 8th THE Trailer

Hi there,

It’s about bloody time summer arrived. Having spent a substantial amount of time in Ibiza poking around IN A CAVE because the weather was so mind-blowingly crap, I'm starting to get a bit confused about all this global warming shiz. No one ever talked about global cooling. Old people have a tough enough time as it is without having to worry about slipping on wet leaves and popping a hip in July.

The cave tour spell also revealed that espadrilles are not a hardy shoe. That is of course unless you want your suitcase to resemble a mouldy grave strewn with wicker.

Don’t even get us started on the short/trouser fiasco. BBC Weather is run by flamin' lunatics.

Exclusive Friday MNF Highlights... Fancy winning a place in Mondays game? Then send an email telling me your favourite thing about the Trailer and include whether you fancy the Soccerette or not……

Enjoy the weekend….

Monday, 1 August 2011

MNF 1st Teams

Hi there,

I’ll tell you what’s really getting on my nerves, shall I? (I'm going to tell you anyway so any answer other than “yes please” is futile.)

What’s really getting on my nerves is the internet.

“Woah woah woah” I hear you cry. “Don’t you love the internet?”

Yes, of course I do. It’s great. It gives and gives and never expects anything in return. But I most certainly don’t love those adverts that follow you around everywhere. For the last two days, an advert for a belt that I looked at for literally two seconds has been stalking me on every website we visit.

How do they expect this to work? I decided i didn’t want that belt the first time we saw it – I'm not going to cave in just because you keep forcing it in front of me.

Walking to the office today, I turned around and I'm pretty certain i saw it nipping behind a bush to hide.


"Ooh, wait, it comes in brown?"

Enjoy tonight and don’t forget last weeks subs, we could also do with 2 more so let me know if anyone else is available???


Chilli x1
Shatty x1
Ratz x1
Jason d x1
David d


Baum x1
Dave jones x1
Perilly x1
Gotts x1
Adam x1
Defraud x2

Friday, 29 July 2011

MNF 1st

Hi there,
"There's a wickit in the crickit!"
"It's sunny again! Quick, let's dash outside and get an ice cream!"
"Did anyone watch Richard Ashley's extension get flooded at the weekend? Let's have a three-hour heated debate about Plumbers..."
Yeah, I've got A LOT of work done today.
Exclusive Friday MNF giveaway... With pre-season in full swing, I'm already getting excited about the new football season. What better time, then, to relive the 2010/2011 MNF season? Email here telling me your favourite moment from last season and you might win a place in Mondays game. Include if you cant make it or be able to pay last weeks subs, please – I'm not a mind reader. If you don't win, you can look at the Soccerette's I met in Spain….
Enjoy the weekend…

Monday, 18 July 2011

MNF 18th Teams

Hi there,

The good news, as I dash off to check out the new Hotel in Torremolinos, (I’m Paying) is that I've got 16 places filled for MNF. It's Tonight and it's a beast of a line-up. To check your name is in the hat, just ping email below.

Have an awesome Game...


1. Didge
2. Simon d
3. Max
4. Singer
5. Josh
6. Dan reese
7. Ratzger
8. David d


9. Perilly
10. Damon
11. Cooper
12. Dave jones
13. Jason d
14. Shatty
15. Baum
16. Chilli

Friday, 15 July 2011

MNF 18th

Hi there,

Up to much tonight? I'm doing McQueen if you fancy? I was also sent a book recently about how to cope with the stresses of urban living. I had a flick through. One of the things the book recommended was to go to bed before 10.30pm on Mondays and Tuesdays. And you know what? I took that book and put it in a bin.

Enjoy the weekend and the extra special Soccerette???!!!!!!!!

Monday, 11 July 2011

MNF 11th Teams


Bad news, Cooper. Move over, Singer. Sorry, Your Highness. Jonathan Defriend wants to join MNF, and the target of our royal affections from now on.

Of course, that’s if we let him in. It’s still early days yet, and until then, the ineffable allure of being a MNFer means that Damon will edge him out in the Mouthyness stakes. And Ratzger too, on account of – well, you know why. We all know why…...


Jason d


David d
David jones
Dan reese

Friday, 8 July 2011

MNF 11th

Hi there,

Oh. Right. Yeah. Cheers, MNF. You just come into our lives and take over for years, why don’t you? With your Astroturf and your Nike Balls and your Damon bloody Letzer, your delicious Locozade, your posh people and your Simon flamin’ Defriend. We’ll get used to 8pm being a time when we think “ooh, who's on what team?” rather than “ooh, what’s the missus banging on about today?” We’ll get used to this. We’ll become all dependant on you. We’ll let you be a part of us.

And then what happens? You just up and leave, without any warning. Leaving us here, sad and alone, without any Highlights.

Who fancy's the soccerette???

Monday, 4 July 2011

MNF 4th Teams

Hi there,

It was a large night last night & It's the big game tonight. Who's going to win? I’m not sure. Whoever doesn't lose, probably.

It's just so much harder to guess when you don't get to watch a six-minute highlight montage from last week - one moment of genius was seeing The Rat running along to take an air kick at Defrauds it reminded that’s kinda how they train… one of them runs across cold streets in a hoody and pounding on frozen cows, the other spends too much time doing publicity and dining in fancy restaurants.

Whoever wins, let's hope it is a game that Martin Jol would be proud of, not one of those 'hug, prod, shimmy, hug'-fests which have become far too common.

Let's get ready to ruuuuumble!


1. Jason d
2. Simon d
3. Singer
4. Dan Reese
5. Cooper
6. Max
7. Ian
8. Perilly


9. Damon
10. Gotts
11. Dave Jones x1
12. The Rat
13. David D
14. Baum
15. Chilli
16. Gink

Friday, 1 July 2011

MNF 4th

Hi there,

Mmmmm, 30 degree heat. Lovely, wasn’t it? I’m so glad on Monday I didn't wake up with a dehydration headache. I’m so glad my clothes went damp with sweat on the train to work. I’m so glad there was plenty of space to sit and eat my lunch in the park. And I’m so glad Silver got injured and I came to the Whites rescue! check it out right here it’s so so Good. Still, at least I’m gonna see a few of you MNFers on Sunday where me and the Gink will be spinnin some classics from 1976. Super.

Soccerette Anyone??

Monday, 27 June 2011


Hi there,

Last week, Madame Tussauds melted down ‘Howard’ from the Halifax ads. They still have life-size waxworks of Adolf Hitler, Osama bin Laden and Shrek.

How do you feel, Howard?


Its gonna be a scorcher tonight so plenty of water please……


1. Jason d
2. Simon D
3. Cooper
4. Chilli
5. Gink
6. The ratz
7. Warren
8. David jones


9. Perilly
10. Ian Chapman
11. Dan reese
12. Singer
13. David d
14. Gotts
15. Silver
16. Baum

Friday, 24 June 2011

MNF 27th Extension

Hi there,

Sad news, people. Richard Ashley, the 43-year-old MNF star perhaps most commonly referred to as 'the one who got the toy car stuck up his arse', is having an loft extension. And hasn’t watched last weeks footage, in fact 15 of you haven’t? so here is your last chance to see the All New highlights right here make sure you do as you will be questioned about it on Monday…….Fridays sure are gloomy sometimes.

Enjoy the email...Soccerette Anyone???

Monday, 20 June 2011

MNF 20th Teams

Hi there,

The best thing I heard on the internet this week is that Richard Ashley has chopped down a tree which he shouldn’t have & Wayne Rooney's going to Glastonbury. If any MNFer bumps into Wayne Rooney or The Gink in a field in Somerset, I’m going to insist they let me buy them a cider. Not because he's the greatest English footballer of his generation or because I feel a nagging duty to inspect Gingers new Arborists Skills, but because I’ve got access to the VIP Gaymers tent and it'll be like they owes me one. Go on Mr Tree Surgeon!

Teams for tonight remember them rules


1. Gotts
2. Ian Chapman
3. Chilli
4. Dave jones
5. Perilly
6. Josh
7. Damon
8. Gink


9. Dan reese
10. Max
11. Jason d
12. Cooper
13. Singer
14. The rat
15. Peach
16. Warren

Friday, 17 June 2011

MNF 20th

Hi there,

We do wonder what it feels like to be Richard Ashley today. Strong, we imagine. Warm. Fuzzy. Indescribably smug. That's the sort of decision that just sits in your blood forever. Every time you look in the garden, you just see a fine winking back at you. Gink will never go near a tree again.

In other news, today MNF has got a new look Highlights watch here right now & yesterday I forgot an umbrella and had to ask the dancer at the club last night for a spare pair of socks, all i got was this pic....

Soccerette Anyone??

Monday, 13 June 2011

MNF 13th Teams

Hi there,

You lot have done some 'mad' stuff in your time. 1 of you has accidentally impaled themself on a graveyard gate. 1 of you has been caught by another mate bashing off over magazines in Detroit (while ordering room service!), 1 of you has even short changed a brass by 35 quid!

But you’ve never spent 127 hours in the same room like Dave Lee has. MNF's Dave Lee has spent the last few days on display in the window of his Mickey in Barnet to celebrate his missus being away. Check the teams out below on Twitter, the Blog and now Facebook right here...


1. Cooper
2. Perilly
3. Warren
4. Damon
5. Didge
6. Rats
7. Dan reese
8. Singer


9. Chilli
10. Peach
11. Baum
12. Grotts
13. Gink
14. Jason d
15. Defraud
16. Shatty

Friday, 10 June 2011

MNF 13th

Hi there,

Rain, rain, will you just do one so we can get back to wearing shorts? In the short space of one week we have been subjected to beautiful sun and then miserable cold, wet, stupid rain. Not cool, weather. Seriously not cool.

Hopefully this will cheer you up.
THE NEW FACEBOOK MNF GROUP it’s got ALL the rules – so pay attention! Now for something a bit more dull, Soccerette Anyone??

Monday, 6 June 2011

MNF 6th Teams

Hi there,

If you feel like the Bank Holiday has well and truly caused last week to drag, well, for a start, you’d be right. But fear not; to cap off a week of Tuesday-being Monday and all that stuff, I have a MNF for you to sink your teeth into. Have a good ‘un, and remember the Factor 15 this weekend. Wayne Rooney has to, so you do too.

If you cant play let me know ASAP….dont forget your subs, MARKED BY AN X and be on time………….

Enjoy the game...


1. Grotts
2. Ratzger
3. Baum
4. Josh x1
5. Damon
6. Ron k
7. Ian chapman
8. Gink


9. Jason D
10. Dave jones
11. Didge
12. Singer
13. Max
14. Dan Reese
15. Simon D
16. Warren £1

Friday, 3 June 2011

MNF 6th

Hi there,

A couple of MNF Bods have done a terrible thing. I really don't know how it happened. It just kind of got out of hand. Escalated. Y'know? They're not bad people. Definitely not. Sometimes bad things happen to good people. Sometimes good people do bad things. It's just the circle of life. The blowing of the wind. The misshapen circle and the evil wind, in this case.

I would tell you what the terrible thing they did was, but then I might get upset about it getting out and have to sue the internet.

(Okay, if you insist. Dave Lee not paying his Speeding tickets. P Dog pulling out at 5pm (it’s the bench for you next week pal!) & the other Dave being in close proximity to someone he shouldn’t. NEVER AGAIN.) Soccerette Anyone??

Friday, 27 May 2011

BHMNF 30th

Hi there,

Well, it’s the end of the Premier League season. (It hasn't been called the 'Premiership' since 2007 — get with the programme.) Some MNFers are sad, some are joyous, and some still think it's called the Premiership and couldn't really care less.

But how to fill the void left behind? You could learn the rules of cricket and try to follow it. Wimbledon’s round the corner if strawberries and cream is your thing. Or you could always pay your subs before you play to guarantee a place in BHMNF. You know, it’s like playing ‘penny up the wall’ with Freed at School (except he used to use pound coins…..) Have a look at who asked for my number last night, watch Monday's highlights here & tell me who fancy’s the Bank Holiday Soccerette???

Monday, 23 May 2011


Hi there,

There's a word in cycling lingo to define the moment in a race when your body, empty of energy, gives up on you. It's called 'bonking'. And if you apply that term to the moment on a Monday afternoon when you make a conscious decision to just fart about until MNF, you could say that MNF has just done a massive bonk.

Bonkety-bonk bonk.

Bonk bonk.

Remember Pay before you Play, and anyone who doesn’t pay the full amount or forgets gets DROPPED for next week’s game – all additional subs will go towards Dave Jones FSIDs charity.


1. Simon x1
2. Turk
3. Baum
4. Rat
5. David d x1
6. Dan reese
7. Chilli
8. Grotts


9. Gink
10. Damon
11. Cooper
12. Jason d
13. Silver x already paid
14. Perilly
15. Dave jones
16. Singer

Friday, 20 May 2011

MNF 23rd Shimons Going Out

Hi there,

Put away your coat. Load the ice cube tray. Clean your barbecue. Realise it’s still filthy. Buy a new barbecue. Wash your shorts. Realise they’re still filthy. Refuse to buy new shorts because it’s a total hassle. Enjoy a few touching moments with old hosey the hose because he’ll be banned soon.

A TWO-WEEK HEATWAVE HAS BEEN FORECAST & next weeks MNF is gonna be good, especially as Simon’s ‘trouble’ has been away all week and the little gonk has been in bed at 9.30pm every night, preparing - he’s hardcore you know…………Let’s see what happens tonight?!

Soccerette Anyone???

Monday, 16 May 2011


Hi there,
So, its MNF tonight.

It's lot like the old tale of David and Goliath, really. Except in this instance Goliath isn't a giant but an Property Developer fellow with quite a large bank balance. And David isn't a little chap with a slingshot; he's a normal-sized chap with Ginger hair. And they're competing for a place in the MNF Hall of Fame rather than battling for good against evil. A bit like last weeks highlights which can be seen right here…

Yeah, perhaps it's not that similar, after all. Enjoy the game. X marks who owes from previous weeks please don’t forget…


1. Didge
2. Gink
3. Dave jones
4. Damon x1
5. Simon
6. Baum £2
7. Singer
8. Gotts


10. Ratz
11. David d
12. Chilli
13. Llyod x1
14. Dan Reese
15. Perrily x2
16. Cooper

Thursday, 12 May 2011

MNF 16th

Hi there,

When I announced our Teams for MNF on Monday, more people visited the Blog on Facebook in a single 24 hours than have ever done before. Including that time I ran a competition to give away Damon Letzers tight Netplay T Shirt. Unwashed. As always, thanks for playing. EXCLUSIVE FRIDAY MNF GIVEAWAY: To mark the 2nd anniversary of 'Lloyd, Baum, Josh and Perilly all forgetting their Subs’. i've got 16 places for next week. To bag yours, send an email telling me whether or not you'd want Charlie Sheen covering your back in a land ownership battle with Shimon Defraud.

Enjoy the weekend...

Soccerette Anyone??

Monday, 9 May 2011


Hi there,

As you’re probably aware, it’s been a busy weekend. Now in it’s 17th year, our original and best MNFer in the World poll never fails to get the attention it deserves. Tonight’s game, which comes with a free HD highlights package, while you can relive it all by watching them on youtube on Friday, Don’t forget last weeks subs as marked below and the ‘pay before you play’ which is now in full force

Enjoy the game...


1. Didge x1
2. Gink
3. David d x1
4. Reese x1
5. Lloyd x1
6. Jason d x1
7. Singer x1
8. DJ


9. Baum x1
10. Warren x1
11. Perilly x2
12. The rat x1
13. Defraud
14. Cooper x1
15. Chilli
16. Gotts x1

Friday, 6 May 2011

MNF 9th


Hot stuff, that is, from an influential standpoint. Every Monday I put out a list of our 16 most influential MNFers – it’s a bit nebulous, but folk must get tired of reading the Rich List and need something else to leaf through and disagree with.

On it this week – aside from people like The Rat, Simon De Fraud (that Property lad, he’s doing pretty well for himself), Deniz Aziz and Damon Letzer – is Josh Abrahams, who happened to turn up on Monday looking pretty cool…

Soccerette Anyone???

Wednesday, 27 April 2011


Hi there,
As it's just been Easter weekend, when it was hot and sunny, I've prepared the following Public Service Announcement:

Things that are brilliant but, crucially, NOT BRILLIANT TOGETHER:

1. MNF and Jewish Holidays.
2. Printers and dolphins.
3. Sunshine and Easter eggs.

Don't say i didn't warn you, kids

Now we had a good game on Monday mainly due to some ringers that were drafted in at the last minute, it’s another Bank Holiday this Monday and whilst I’ll be throwing confette over Kate & Wills tomorrow I need to be in Spain on Saturday to drive the DeWogfrauds around in Golf Buggy….

So who fancy’s the soccerettes?? .

Thursday, 21 April 2011

BHMNF 25th

Hi there,
Four-three-four. No, not a cheaty formation of MNFers that said they could then couldn’t play on Monday, but the number of days you'll be working in each of the next three weeks. Unless you happen to have one of those crazy jobs that makes you work bank holidays, of course, in which case you'll be going to work as normal (Richard Ashley). Which is sad. For you. But it probably means you have an important job (Not Richard Ashley), so bravo. I'll spare a thought for you while I fall asleep in the sun and my Calippo dribbles down my chest. It’s a tough life.who fancy’s the Bank Holiday Soccerette????
Oh and just in case you missed 2 weeks ago highlights….

Thursday, 14 April 2011

MNF 18th Maxson Ababuo

I am Mr Maxson Ababuo and i work with Sec -Point Security Company situated in Ghana, I seek your help in receiving trunks of consignment boxes with cash in Country. Reply ASAP for details… I’m also tired. I stayed up way past my bedtime last night in the hope that someone from The Park Lane knew the Heimlich Manoeuvre in order to stop a Brazilian Goal keeper choking. Sadly, nobody did. Still, at least Dave Lee can cheer himself up with some light relief with his collection of adult art mags, but this time mate, try and remember to put them away before the missus gets home….Make sure you do too, oh and check out Mondays Highlights here - They're good you know

Soccerette Anyone??

Regards Mr Maxson Ababuo.

Monday, 11 April 2011

MNF 11th Teams

Hi there,
Are you wearing shorts? I am. I am AERATED. Well, half of the MNFers will be, while the other half stubbornly take the stance that naked below-the-knee frivolity is somehow the work of the devil. The joke's on them. Them and their sticky balls.

Enjoy the sunshine, enjoy the game, enjoy Simon De Friend winning £430 large on the Grand National right here…..

Let me know if you can’t make it asap and bods don’t forget last week’s subs marked by an X


1. Singer
2. Rat
3. Didge
4. David d
5. Silver
6. Turky Burger
7. Dan Reese
8. Cooper


9. Damon
10. Baum x £1
11. Gotts
12. DJ x 1 week
13. Defraud
14. Gink
15. Jason d
16. Chilli

Friday, 8 April 2011

MNF 11th

Hi there,

If you spent £5 of your own money entertaining us and making us happy, and then decided you wanted to erect a seven-foot six-inch statue of Michael Jackson outside Borehamwood FC, I'd say "SURE".

Whether or not you choose to build a monument dedicated to me is entirely up to you. Either way MNF is Back and you can watch Mondays highlights right here...

Enjoy the Soccerette Anyone...

Monday, 4 April 2011


Hi there,
STOP! Stop right there. April Fool is over for this year and there is no point whatsoever in you sitting there continuing to try and make out you never fell for it over and over and over again. Yeah that’s right. I see you. I know your plan. I’ve been alerted to the allegations of denial by the authorities. I’ve had the emails from MNFers telling me they knew it was a joke. And you know what I did? I had a little look on the internet, and I thought to myself: “To be fair, the idea of Simon having you lot round for a BBQ without OK’ing it with missus was never a great idea.” I’m gonna have a cup of tea



1. Simon
2. DJ
3. Deniz
4. Singer
5. Baum
6. Cooper
7. Dan Reese
8. Rat


9. Damon
10. Chilli
11. Perilly
12. Didge
13. David D
14. Silver
15. Gotts
16. Jason D

Friday, 1 April 2011

MNF 4th Cancelled

Hi there,
For those of you who haven't spied the big news in the bottom corner of your screen, we're celebrating the beginning of British Summer Time by offering you lot the chance to come to a BBQ at Shimon Deformed’s on Monday night. Yes, that's right. MNF IS CANCELLED as they are resurfacing the pitch, but there will be canapes and everything @ Defrauds…..
For those of you that will miss it check out Mondays highlights RIGHT HERE ON YOU TUBE
Enjoy the weekend...see you in 2 weeks…..

Monday, 28 March 2011


Hi there,

Phew. What a weekend. It's not easy writing a MNF email when it's sunny and you could just walk outside, buy an ice cream and have a little stroll. But I've just put the new one 'to bed', had an office tidy up (under duress) and opened negotiations on the location for what will be the final Friday drinks of the winter. Hell, this week, I may even order a cider. See you in the bloody summer or later if you pay before you play??.

Enjoy the game..


Dave lee


The rat
David d
Dan reese

Thursday, 24 March 2011

MNF 28th Summer

Hi there,
You'll never bloody guess what's happened. Seriously, you won't. Summer's only gone and started. That's what's happened. The sun has donned some funky headwear and come out to play. Don't believe me? Just take a little look out the window then, buddy. Quick! Before he's gone! Oh, too late. Summer & MNF, we love you. – even if the old Tony Slattery ran out on the vid….still 2 goals is better than nada!!!
Enjoy the weekend – Soccerette Anyone???

Friday, 18 March 2011

MNF 21st

Hi there,
Did you watch that amazing MNFer Jason De Mel’s wonder goal on Monday? How great is he? He's like the Simon Defriend of property, but without the Porsche. I watched it last night again on the highlights right here, while eating a massive pizza and it was a really good time. Here's to good times. And tigers. And lifetime guarantees. And tax rebates. And being one day closer to British Summer Time.
Enjoy the weekend...Soccerette Anyone??

Monday, 14 March 2011



Don’t say I don’t spoil you, because you’d be lying, and your nose would grow to gruesome lengths and people would laugh at you. Here at MNF we have an exclusive look at last week’s highlights RIGHT HERE, the Simon Defraud nutmeg on The Rat.
I’m a big fan of the Rat and this could potentially be one of the best things you see all year. Simon plays a warped alternative version of himself, a former Barry Large with a thirst for a back heel. He hangs out in Arkley to avoid the tabloids, who annoy him a lot.
Let me know if you can’t make it tonight as I have loads that wanna play, and if subs aren’t paid BEFORE the game you will be dropped for next week!!!


1. Didge
2. David D
3. Cooper
4. Perilly
5. Chilli
6. Dan Reese
7. Jason D
8. Baum


9. Damon
10. Silver
11. Gotts
12. The Rat
13. Simon
14. Dave lee
15. Turk
16. Gink

Friday, 11 March 2011

MNF 14th 911 Carpark

Hi there,

What's happening this weekend? Here's what we're doing, as a collective: going for a spin in Defrauds new motor (pic below), going to the Porsche shop to buy some more naff bits for the desk al la Aziz (see pic), MNF car park is gonna look like a showroom on Monday! drinking quite a lot, playing some new tunes, listening to Benjamin Button's speech on the pension shake up, maybe going out on Saturday evening, cooking dinner for a couple of birds below, watching Mondays highlights RIGHT HERE. Never accuse me of not living life to the full, ever again. Soccerette Anyone???

Monday, 7 March 2011

MNF 7th Simon Defrauds Porsche 911

Remember a few weeks ago we had all that hoopla between Deniz & David D? We've heard stories about Simon Defraud ordering a the New Porsche 911 (that’s the new one Dave Lee not the like yours!). News about Richard Ashley's new 8 bedroom extension to promote the fact he wants to settle down and get married. Me having a party to promote the fact it was my birthday, even videos of all of you being in MN bloody F. Click link below to see highlights again.

With all that coverage, you’d think I’d exhausted that whole topic. But no. I missed something. Something tall. Something dark. Something leggy. And chesty. Something called The Rat. Yes, we missed tall, dark, leggy, chesty Mark Ratzger

PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU PAY BEFORE YOU PLAY (including last weeks marked by X) – NO EXCUSES!


1. Gink
2. Chilli x1
3. Simon x1
4. David
5. DJ
6. Ian
7. Darren
8. Jason d


9. Baum x1
10. Didge
11. Ratty
12. Perilly
13. Gotts
14. Dan Reese
15. Silver
16. Singer

Friday, 4 March 2011

MNF 7th Be There Or Be Square


True story of the day: it was almost exactly 1 week ago that MNF's Max Bloom had a party not unfortunately on a private jet, alongside 22 of the world's most beautiful women, being ferried to Libya for an eye-to-eye oratory on exactly how Britain should tell Gaddaffi to go screw himself, but at McQueen with a these lovely ladies below…
Fancy a game on Monday? Then make sure you pay your subs before you play. OR... Watch Mondays Highlights right here and see Deniz Aziz hopping off like a Drogba in the CL final a few years back, and sixteen of you lucky souls will get a place in next weeks game. But only if you're nice, obviously.